The Dos and Don'ts of Using a Matchmaking Service
As professional Omaha matchmakers with a combined 40 years of experience, we’ve been at this a long time, worked with countless clients from all walks of life, and have learned a thing or two about what makes a client successful in this process….and which ones remain single.
We understand that matchmaking for Omaha singles is a new route to many, but, as the second oldest profession in the world, it’s nothing to be wary of. Below, we have outlined some helpful, honest, experienced points that will guarantee you get the most out of your local matchmaking experience. Please be open minded and try our methods first before going about this process the way you would dating on your own, or using an online dating site; because none of those avenues compare to using a professional company:
DO: Be extremely open-minded and learn to trust your matchmaker and the profiles she sends you. That’s why you hired us, right?
DON’T: Expect to meet your match right away. Although it does happen often, sometimes, it takes a while. Be patient and trust in the service. Each client is on their own journey.
DO: Give your matchmaker regular updates, detailed feedback, be open to tips and advice, and ask them questions about how you can improve the process for yourself. Although there is an issue with TMI (too much information) on a first date, there isn’t when it comes to communication with us.
DON’T: Go MIA, not respond to our emails or your Notifications, and then get upset that you’re not getting what you expected. This is a relationship like any other, so treat it with respect, timeliness and be responsive. We want to help you!
DO: Narrow your “Must-haves” and “Deal breakers” down to five each. Really ask yourself what you absolutely will not tolerate no matter how perfect a match might be, and what you must have in order to be happy with someone.
DON’T: Give us a laundry list of the Top 20 qualities your partner must have, because you will always be disappointed. No one can or will ever measure up to those idealistic expectations, and we won’t be able to bring you perfection either. We’re matchmakers - not miracle workers.
DO: Use our service as an opportunity to meet someone you normally wouldn’t come across, or someone who is vastly different from who you’ve dated in the past. We’re not going to lead you astray, so meet who we send you!
DON’T: Judge a profile by the photo - or worse yet - look at only the photo and decline them. We sent you this person for a good reason. If you’re curious as to why we sent you someone, see #2 above (communicate with your matchmaker!)
If you ever have questions, concerns, or any way that we can improve this experience, we welcome the feedback! Our goal is to ensure every client has a positive experience with Omaha Love, and to see you in a long-lasting, committed relationship.
If you or anyone you know in the Omaha area is single and tired of “swiping” or going to bars hoping, by chance, to meet a quality person, contact Omaha Love today at or give us a call at 402-991-4053.
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