Trivia Night!

In early December, Omaha love hosted a game night at Brewsky's on 156th. I have to say that it was so much fun! First, Brewsky's has trivia night every Wednesday night and it is definitely a good time. We decided to put together a group for singles to meet and enjoy the company of other singles and thought trivia night would be the perfect way to bond.

We had two different teams that were put together based on how many people showed up. We had about 20 to 25 people attend the event. After the teams were split into two, the trivia began. Some questions seemed to be pretty tough, however we had some people bring their A game and they were killing it.

Even if you are not a member of Omaha love, most of the events we put together are for anybody to enjoy. These get togethers are for people to meet people they have never met before and get aquatinted in a social gathering instead of one on one. Now don't get me wrong, one on ones can be fun, however they can also be more nerve racking than a group event.

We post our events in several different places, which hopefully get a lot of exposure to those who want to come and participate. The websites we currently post on are Facebook, Meet Up and of course our website

So if you have yet to attend an event with us, be sure to look out four the next ones coming in the New Year. You may end up finding the one or making some really good friends! As always please comment, share and let us know what you'd like to hear next!

-Tiffani L


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